
Thursday, March 17, 2011

CRAZED Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi ရဲ ့ေနာက္ဆံုးေန ့ရက္

The world bites back

CRAZED Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi was facing the wrath of the world last night.

The United Nations Security Council approved a no-fly zone over his country and threatened air strikes on his troops.
American and European officials said attacks could take place within HOURS.
The dramatic UN move, which defied expectations, is to protect cornered rebel fighters and civilians. In the US, the Pentagon was preparing for "serious" attacks. Officials said options included using cruise missiles to take out fixed Libyan military sites and air defence systems.
A US official said it would be "more aggressive than a show of force". Another said: "The US doesn't want a war. But we want to prevent a slaughter."
The UN verdict against "Mad Dog" Muammar Gaddafi was a major diplomatic coup for PM David Cameron, who was the first world leader to call for the air mission two weeks ago.

In eastern Libya, after satellite TV channels reported the approval of the UN resolution rebel supporters chanted "God is Great" and "The People Want the Downfall of the Regime."
In Benghazi thousands of people rushed on to the streets waving flags, firing shots into the air and letting off fireworks.
Crowds shouted: "Muammar, you are surrounded. No ships and no planes will help you."
In Tobruk the news was welcomed with vuvuzela trumpets.
RAF fighter pilots could go into action as early as today if Gaddafi rejects an immediate ceasefire.
The resolution condemns Gaddafi's "gross and systematic violation of human rights" which "may amount to crimes against humanity" and pose a "threat to international peace and security".
It calls for "a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians". It authorises UN member states "to take all necessary measures to protect civilians".
But it specifically excludes "a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory".
In an interview broadcast just before the UN vote, Gaddafi said it had "no mandate".
He added: "We don't acknowledge their resolutions." And he vowed to hit back against UN attacks, insisting: "If the world is crazy, we will be crazy too."
However, late last night the Libyan regime gave the impression that it WOULD agree - subject to a deal on "technicalities". Resolution 1973, demanding a ceasefire and authorising the no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to enforce it, was passed by ten votes to nil.
Britain, America France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Gabon, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal and South Africa all backed the move. Russia, China, Germany, Italy and India abstained.
The resolution was formally adopted at the UN headquarters in New York. Britain's ambassador to the UN, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, said the UK was "ready to shoulder our responsibilities" to enforce it. He said: "A violent, discredited regime which has lost all legitimacy is using weapons of war against civilians. My Government welcomes the fact that the Security Council has acted swiftly in response to the appalling situation in Libya."
There had been a desperate race against time to approve the resolution as Gaddafi's forces began bombing the outskirts of Benghazi yesterday - the rebels' last bastion.

Rejoice ... rebels' joy at UN vote in Benghazi
Rejoice ... rebels' joy at UN vote in Benghazi
In a chilling radio address to its people, the dictator warned: "We are coming tonight. There won't be any mercy." Using the word "zenga", meaning neighbourhood, Gaddafi had said his men would hunt opponents down right into their homes.

Vote ... Sir Mark Lyall at the UN
Vote ... Sir Mark Lyall at the UN
He said: "We will come zenga by zenga, house by house, room by room. We will find you in your closets." The UN was determined to prevent Gaddafi crushing the last of the rebellion and taking Benghazi.

Backing ... President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron
Backing ... President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron
Mr Cameron worked into the early hours of this morning to plan the operation with his defence chiefs and other world leaders. He spoke over the phone to President Obama and ordered his Cabinet to an urgent meeting this morning. The PM will deliver a statement to the House of Commons today.

Strike force ... US F-18 jets are likely to enforce no-fly zone
Strike force ... US F-18 jets are likely to enforce no-fly zone
Earlier yesterday the Libyan military had threatened to "expose to danger" any foreign planes and shipping in the Mediterranean Sea.

Here is Plan

We'll hit defenses

FROM the moment Resolution 1973 was passed last night, military chiefs will have sent out orders to prepare for air strikes on Libya's defences.
To enable coalition jets to fly over unharmed, top guns' first targets will be Gaddafi's radar stations and surface-to-air missile sites.
Brand new RAF Typhoon fighter-bombers, VC10 air-to-air refuellers and AWAC surveillance jets could all be despatched today.
America is likely to supply F18 fighter-bombers, while the French will send Mirage jets. At least two Arab nations may provide aircraft.
The war planes will be based on islands as near to Libya as possible, with Sicily and Cyprus seen as the most likely. French jets will fly from their own coast.
A naval blockade may also be set up, involving the Royal Navy destroyer HMS York and the frigate HMS Cumberland.
French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said his country would support military action within hours of the resolution being approved by the UN Security Council.
And French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe later vowed: "France is ready, along with others, to put in action the resolution."
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said yesterday a no-fly zone would require action to protect planes and pilots, "including bombing targets like the Libyan defence systems".
But she said no ground intervention was being considered.