
Sunday, October 24, 2010

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon သို ့ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ကို ေလးစားခ်စ္ခင္ယုံၾကည္သူမ်ားမွအိတ္ဖြင့္ေပးစာ

We Stand With Daw Aung San Suu Kyi !


H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
United Nations                    
October 18, 2010

On September 27, “Friends of Myanmar” convened a ministerial level meeting at the United Nations. At the meeting, understandably, leaders who are friends of Burma attended and We Stand With Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ! campaign urged to formulate a coordinated effort in order to help the country.

Though we did not expect concrete results from the meeting, we would still like to use this opportunity to remind the world that on a daily basis, the people of Burma continue to suffer grave injustices.  The SPDC murders its citizens; rape and torture women; force men, women and children do hard labor conscript under-age young men into becoming child soldiers. Ongoing civil war has a major affect on neighboring countries as well.  

On Nov. 7, the junta, State Peace and Development Council, will hold an “election” that many considered as military selection. There are some nations, officials, organizations, and individuals, who are already supporting the unjust election and planning to recognize its winning parties, led by the military junta. There are 1,163 candidates from the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), the party of the current military regime, and 999 candidates from the National Unity Party (NUP, the party of the former regime, in the nationwide constituencies. Yet there are less than 100 candidates from independent parties (Source: Mizzima and Irrawaddy News). The National League for Democracy, democratically elected winner of the 1990 election, which was recognized by the world, is boycotting the election because of the junta’s unjust constitution and election law that will only bring a new dictatorship in sheep skin to power. 

We would like to make known that supporting and protecting the evils practiced by the SPDC today will one day haunt those who are responsible.
The recent National Council of the Union of Burma's statement stated that the junta is not capable of conducting an election in many ethnic areas of Burma and that the situation is not leading to peace and stability. While we stand with our democratic leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, we are also in unequivocal and accord with the NCUB’s call for the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, Burma’s neighbors, and the international community as a whole to form a coordinated effort that will bring “positive steps towards durable peace and stability in Burma”.    

 On behalf of the people of Burma, we appeal to the leaders of the "Friends of Myanmar":

1)     Daw Aung San Suu Kyi must be freed unconditionally before or on her scheduled release date of November 13 
2)     free all the political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, students’ leader Min   Ko Naing and ethnic leader Khun Tun Oo immediately and unconditionally
      3)  to not recognize/legitimize the upcoming 2010 election and its results
      4)  to form a Commission of Inquiry to investigate crimes against humanity and war  
           crimes committed by the leaders of the State Peace and Development Council.

We, who stand with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, would like to time and again urge you to help the people of Burma and not the junta. Thank you.
