
Monday, March 21, 2011

Gaddafi’s son ‘killed by kamikaze’

Bloodthirsty ... commander Khamis Gaddafi, 27
Bloodthirsty ... commander Khamis Gaddafi, 27

COLONEL Gaddafi suffered a devastating blow after his top-commander son was blown up and killed by a kamikaze Libyan pilot, it was claimed last night.

Bloodthirsty Khamis Gaddafi, 27, was said to have died from terrible burns after the strike on his Tripoli command and control headquarters.

The reports came as a third wave of Allied attacks began against the Libyan dictator's murderous regime - and as an international row raged on the legitimacy of targeting Mad Dog Gaddafi.
Khamis, Gaddafi's sixth son, led the despot's deadliest units - Libya's elite special forces - dubbed the Khamis Brigade.

He was responsible for killing dozens of his own people during repeated artillery bombardments.
It was claimed he died on Saturday after the pilot ploughed his jet straight into the Bab al-Azizia barracks in a wild bid to kill top brass.

Ruined ... Gaddafi HQ shows effects of missile strikes
Ruined ... Gaddafi HQ shows effects of missile strikes

Defiant ... Gaddafi supporters inside tyrant's compound
Defiant ... Gaddafi supporters inside tyrant's compound
Sipa Press / Rex Features
Intelligence officers were last night probing reports the commander might have been killed by an Allied strike.
The compound was bombarded on Sunday - and reportedly again last night as British Typhoon jets were seen roaring into action from their base in Italy.

Khamis, one of Gaddafi's eight children, was said to have survived the initial compound blast, but died later in a Tripoli hospital.
A military insider told The Sun: "People are trying to find out the fate of this man. He is extremely significant as a close Gaddafi relative and a senior commander."

Fighting back ... rebels outside Ajdabiya city yesterday
Fighting back ... rebels outside Ajdabiya city yesterday
Gaddafi's adopted baby daughter Hanna was among 100 people killed in his presidential compound during US air strikes in 1986.
Meanwhile, it emerged that two RAF Tornado bombers were forced to abort a Sunday raid on the dictator's HQ after TV journalists were seen standing amid the rubble.