
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nintendo 3D DS ကစားၾကသူမ်ား ေနမေကာင္းျဖစ္ေသြးတိုးၾက

Nintendo 3DS is game for a barf

Game on ... Dr Carol Cooper tests Lee Price's eyesight
Game on ... Dr Carol Cooper tests Lee's eyesight
Dan Jones


Sun Doctor
THE small screen packs an incredible amount of movement - no wonder it puts all the senses at sea.
There's a huge mismatch between what your eyes are seeing and what the other senses are telling you.
That's what causes most of the dizziness and nausea.

NINTENDO'S 3DS is now the most returned games console ever as users struggle with its display.

The Sun told yesterday how some gamers have reported feeling sick after playing the 3D machine.
So we tested the device with our man Lee Price, 22.
After Sun doctor Carol Cooper measured his resting blood pressure as 120/70, and pulse as 67, Lee played Street Fighter and Pro Evolution Soccer in four 30-minute slots.
He took the advised ten minute break between games - and here we chart his progress:
THIRTY MINS: Blood pressure 127/72, pulse 66. Lee: I sat on a sofa and feel OK so far - a slight headache, but nothing extraordinary. Carol: Seems fine so far.
ONE HOUR: Blood Pressure 130/74, pulse 69. Lee: I stood playing. Carol noted slight nystagmus, where your eyes race from side-to-side. Carol: First sign of a side-effect, caused by your eyes taking something in your body can't feel.
It's tricking the senses in a way.

Pressure is on ... playing the Nintendo while walking and sitting in a car saw Lee's pulse increase
Pressure is on ... playing the Nintendo while walking and sitting in a car saw Lee's pulse increase
Dan Jones
ONE HOUR 30 MINS: 135/80, pulse 82. Lee: Playing as I walk idly down the street. My figures have gone up. Carol: If this was your resting rate, I'd recommend you saw a GP about high blood pressure.
TWO HOURS: 140/84, pulse 85. Lee: Playing in car passenger seat makes me feel very nauseated. Carol: If this rate is sustained for a long period it could damage circulation. I think the break period needs to be significantly increased.
LEE'S VERDICT: After two hours, it's time to put it away.
CAROL'S VERDICT: Children should not be left to play on it for hours.